EncryptID Finale
tl;dr: Online cryptic hunt platform. Built fo the Final Edition of the EncryptID event at IIT Madras Paradox.
This platform was used the for the 3rd & Final Edition of EncryptID, an online cryptic hunt based on anime, pop culture and more hosted by the COSMOS Tech Society of IIT Madras.
It’s also being used for the CryptIQ event organised by pseudonymous123.
- Google OAuth
- Support for Teams
- Logging for User Submissions
- Image, Files and Code Comments for Questions/Hints
- Enable Progression based on email to allow outside spectators
Tech Stack
- Sveltekit - Application Framework
- DaisyUI and Aceternity UI - UI Components
- Firebase - Auth, DB, Storage and Serverless Functions
- Sentry - Error Monitoring
- Vercel - Hosting